Thursday, June 9, 2016


Howdy.. No pictures this week, My SD card has a virus... I'm pretty angry about it.

Well this week was INSANE!!! I haven't felt so many emotions in such a short amount of time since.... well I don't want to remember the last time! I'm off topic, sorry! Okay so this week, Monday was fun! we went to a park that has grass, real grass!! What!!!! I enjoyed being in grass for a while! 

This whole week was crazy! So everyday we literally sit at the computers in the church from 11 am to 8:30 pm.  And it gets boring, but its awesome when the missionaries bring people because we're busy and time flies.. but Wednesday we only had one person the entire day.... ONE PERSON!!!! I was frustrated. The next day we had a zone meeting with another zone so I got up and shared D&C 128:15. I invite you all to read it. I'm not gonna lie, the spirit was very strong there, I felt and I know that the missionaries felt it too. We cannot live with our Father in Heaven without our dead! So let's help our dead. That's pretty much what I said. :) 

On Saturday we had a temple trip with Magnolias. We were super nervous about it at first because we heard that the stake had invited everyone to go. We had heard that about 80 people were planning on coming! We prayed that everything would go well and it did!!!! We got everyone on a bus (80 on a bus that sits 47) and almost everyone did temple work!! We came back (somehow) with even more people! We counted and had 100 people on the bus!! It was packed!!!! Truly it was a miracle trip! 

I learned a ton from this week! It was a hard week but I learned that trials are good and that we need them. We become better by them. I have a lot more faith in Heavenly Father now, I trust him to help us, and I know that he is patient and he is loving. 

Well, we ended the week with no church... Here in Peru it was the presidential elections. A woman against a man. Keiko and PPK. PPK won.. I think, we're still not sure. But here in Peru they have a law that you have to vote or else you get fined and all the churches are closed and no one can worship on Sunday. We sat in our room all day... Wow, I'm grateful for church and Sunday!! I am also so grateful for the sacrament!! I missed it this week!!  

Well, That's it for this week, if anyone knows how to clean SD cards without losing all the pictures please tell me!! Love you all ! have a great day!! 
--- Hermana Hicken

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