Wednesday, September 30, 2015

LAST PDAY IN EL CCM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey all! It´s been a great week at the CCM! In fact, it's my last week!!!!! :) YAY!!!!!!!!!
I'll start with last Thursday. I got sick, again. This time is was worse. I went to Hermana Gonzalez (CCM President´s wife) and she gave me these magic pills that really work! So that was great. Funny story... so Hna. Tangren is one of the hnas in my district. She is terrified of spiders. So in her lesson she of course has a spider crawling on her shoulder... Her companion tries to brush it off and whispers "spider". Hna Tangren THROWS her books up in the air screams and starts jumping up and down. Somehow they calmed down and their investigator said the closing prayer. Apparently, he asked Heavenly Father to bless the Hnas with their spider problem. After her lesson she sprinted out of the house, screaming and ran into the bathroom. We all heard and ran out of our classroom to see what was going on. It was hilarious!
Friday: we taught our new investigator, Yennifer. She's 15 and in high school. She’s awesome! We've only had one lesson with her buts she's cool.
Saturday: We started our fast and because we started our fast we didn't have dinner. So instead of dinner we sat in our district room and watched Mormon Messages about addiction recovery. It was really cool to hear those stories and learn about people's lives. :)  Hna Rivera (worked at the Mexico CCM with G&G Hicken) is getting married and we saw her wedding invites. That was cool. She’s best friends with our teacher so she's in there a lot.
Sunday: Fast Sunday. Our whole district bore our testimonies. I love Sundays in the CCM! It’s so spiritually enlightening! That night we listened to Elder Ballard and Oaks speak. They were so awesome. They both talked about loving your investigators and listening to the spirit. After the Devos we had a district testimony meeting. We talked about our conversion stories and that was cool!
Monday: Today we took district pictures, we learned grammar and how to teach people not lessons and then we watched Elder Scott’s funeral. Wow, it was beautiful! I really started to miss Utah again!! Oh well. I love how Elder Christofferson said that he was a man who could look up to God with a pure conscious. After that, it was a normal day and I learned that the gift of tongues is real. It is so real!! :)

Tuesday:  a normal day in the CCM. We watched another Devo and Elder Oaks spoke again. He talked about how the Plan of Salvation should be central in our lessons and that we can receive the companionship of the Holy Ghost everyday by partaking of the Sacrament. That was cool!
Today: I LOVE THE TEMPLE!!! So, cool experience... we were sitting in the Celestial room and I looked over and this sister was sobbing. I had the distinct impression to go over and talk to her, so I did. She is Latina and knows NO English. I knelt down next to her and said in Spanish "Hermana, I know I don't know Spanish well but I know that Heavenly Father wants me to tell you that He loves you. He is so proud of you, and He is listening to you" she smiled and said thank you. I received such an overwhelming feeling of love for her and I know that was Heavenly Father. And, I was able to say it in Spanish. I've been on cloud nine since!! :) I love you all! I can't wait to get out to the field! Spanish is going well and I’m learning more every day.. Except I despise Subjunctive.... that's just a terrible tense to try to learn... :) love ya!

- Hermana Hicken

Our District

1 comment:

  1. Sister Hicken, I really needed these words today. Thank you!
