Tuesday, December 1, 2015


WOOOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAYRA WAS BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I’m so happy for her!! 

I'll start with Monday. After emailing, we went to the capilla and watched Wreck it Ralph and ate McDonalds. We also talked to Mayra about her baptism. It was a pretty restful pday ;) we also played capture the flag! 

Tuesday was hna Aguilera’s nine month mark so we ate cake and pizza with some members! It was a lot of fun. Also, we had a huge earthquake (7.3). It was felt in 5 countries... AND I DIDNT FEEL IT!! How sad... :) 

Wednesday: nada, just a normal day. :)

Thursday: THANKSGIVING!! Okay, so Peruanas don’t celebrate thanksgiving. So our zone made pancakes and eggs and did our weekly planning together. It was a lot of fun! After working and all that jazz, hna Aguilera and I bought pizza and Inca kola and that was our Thanksgiving dinner. :) 

Friday: okay... So it was "pouring" rain... It never truly rains here... but the sidewalks get super slick. We were walking to our apartment and hna aguilera decided to run... and slipped on the stairs!! Oh my, it was hilarious! :) Anyway, it was a normal day tambien. We taught Maria and Manuel. And three of their adult kids and all of their kids. It was crazy! :) We taught them about chastity and how they need to get married. Hopefully they'll get married this month! :) 

Saturday!! It was super crazy! In the morning we cleaned the capilla and proselyted a little. In the afternoon, Mayra was baptized! The water was freezing cold and she did not want to get in! But somehow she got baptized! ;) I’m so happy for her! She's my first baptism and real convert because I started the lessons with her!! :) WOO!!!! 

Sunday, Maria and Manuel came to church which was really cool! :) This week was awesome!!! Thank you all for the prayers and support! Well, gotta go! Love you all!!

--- Hermana Hicken

lomo saltado

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