Monday, November 23, 2015

Primer cambio en el campo: termine!! (google translator:  First change in the field, finished!)
Hola! First, my Spanish has exploded!!! Seriously! I can't type in English anymore! It’s really cool!!!! I'm just gonna start... 

Monday, we found out that both me and hna Aguilera are staying in Chinchaysuyo so we're here until after Christmas!!! YAY!!! :)

Now here's the funny thing about last pday... hna Aguilera broke our phone and so... WE WERE FREE FOR THE WHOLE DAY.... NO ONE could call us or anything... it's a very awkward feeling knowing that your district and zone leader can’t contact you...of course we weren't chambonas (lazy, or not doing what were supposed to do) but yeah. We went to Starbucks and got non-coffee frapuccinos and ate lunch with a member. papas rellenas. Best things ever! (as pictured here) 

 paps rellenas

We then said goodbye to Elder Cruz. (he's the one on the left) He was transferred to San Felipe. The rest of the week was pretty normal. We taught Maria and Manual about the plan of salvation and they want to get married! 
mi primer distrito, e' cruz, e' melgar, y mi compañera y yo :)

Mayra is getting baptized on the 28th!!! My first baptism!! AHHH! SO EXCITED!!! bien vacan! (really cool!) On Wednesday, we had a black out... Half of our area was in complete darkness, and it was super dangerous so we just went to our apartment and waited for the lights to come on. but they didn't so we went out and taught Josue and his family, in complete darkness, I had my trusty flashlight so that was cool! ;) On Thursday we had a noche de cine (movie night) with the ward! We watched “Meet the Mormons”. Now... here’s the funny thing about peruanos.... They have Mormon time AND perunano time... so when you say it's starting at 6:30 it’s not going to start and 6:30 or 6:45... Oh no! 7:30 or 8 if we're lucky! But somehow we ended before 9 and I was able to make it through without screaming in English :)

Anyway, Saturday we had a visita de trabajo (exchange) with our district leader and zone leader... That was interesting. I was super nervous! We taught Leonor (she's a recent convert) she told us to wait outside because she had to feed her cats and put them to bed. Our zone leader said that in his 17 months of being a missionary he has never been told to wait because of cats... When we were teaching, Leonor’s cats were being a little crazy and so she would come up behind them with a stick and smack them on the head. She’s also 80 years old and hilarious! I love her! 

Sunday was pretty normal, we worked super hard to complete our goals, which we did. That makes me super happy! Cool thing, so we do noche de hogares (family home evenings) with the members and we did one with a young family the other day. We were talking about prophets and usually, when I speak I stumble a ton... but this time, I spoke fluently... My comp said that it's the best I’ve ever spoken! AHH!! My next goal is to have a whole day of no English. It's been a crazy awesome week! Well, that's it for now! Love ya'll! 

--- Hermana Hicken

comp y yo
papas huancayina

my comp's new pet :) 
 This is what Perù is like. I wrote it all down and took a pic of it.

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