Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Insert sassy title...

Well hello!!! This week was good! To get right on it, we had our temple trip on Wednesday with the Canto Grande Stake. It's two zones which always makes it interesting for us because one zone always brings a ton and the other zone... nothing. ;) This time we had 24 people enter the temple and do baptisms. This is the first time that I've done a temple trip practically alone and let me tell you it was crazy. It didn't help that I also lost my voice the day before so I quietly told my comp to tell everyone what to do. ;)

I have truly learned to love the temple and appreciate the fact that when I was in Utah, I had 4 temples within 30 minutes of my house. It takes us about an hour to get to the temple which isn't too bad when you think about it. I am grateful for the temple and I hope that we can become a "temple loving and temple attending" people. I love being here!

We had a zone conference with Presidente. It's his last zone conference with us and it was awesome! We talked a lot about revelation and how important it is to pay tithing. We did a practice about tithing and Pres. told us that he has never seen a less active pay tithing. He explained that that is a reason why they're less active. It was an awesome zone meeting! 

The rest of the week was really good. I am continuing my battle with my sickness. I went to the clinic and got x-rays and then on Tuesday I got some blood work started. They hope to have the answer by this Friday. I have pneumonia like symptoms so they started treatment with three antibiotics. Hna Erickson thinks I have asthma because the air is so dusty and dirty here.  The doctors think I have a bacteria infection. That was really my week! I love you all and I hope that you have a great week!!! LOVE YOU thanks for the love and support!! 

- Hermana Hicken

my comp is as tall as me

temple trips!!!

my daily dinner - I went out  saturday night and bought top ramen. ;) 

my nest. .. it's where I do my studying when I get a fever

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