La Fe.... El Primer Paso

Hola Mi Familia! Bueno, estoy todavia aqui en
Perú! (This is Jody – I had to use google translate: Faith .... The First Step
My Family Hello! Well, I'm still here in Peru!)
It's getting hot! And the sun is very bright!! But it gives us an excuse to drink a lot of chicha marón y eat chupetes! :) Chicha marón is a juice. It’s purple and it’s made from corn! And chupetes are pretty much fruit popsicles! They are really good! :)
I'm doing great! This week was awesome! We made all our goals AND!!!!!!!! WE HAVE A BAPTISM DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the 23rd of January!!!!!!!! Our investigator is great! He's got a good testimony that he’s strengthening every day! :)
This week I learned a lot about faith. We all know that it’s not just believing but it's also doing. "Faith without works is dead" right? And this week I learned that faith is extremely important. You can’t repent and you can't become a member of the church without having Faith. It’s pretty awesome! Yesterday, for example, I had faith that we would have INCAS (investigators) at church. I prayed and we called people and guess what! We had 3! It's the little things that count! It was pretty awesome! :)
For pday last week we went to Central de Lima! It was awesome! I shall include some choice pictures for you to gasp at! Why? Because we went to the museum of inquisition!! :) Catolicos! :) It was pretty cool to get away from my mission boundaries and explore another part of Lima! :)
We also had to move this week, and that was an experience. We’re right around the corner from where we used to live. We're only living there till February so that'll be fun! We moved because the daughter of our landlady is here and needed a place to live.
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