Alright! So I´ve gotta explain my subject line
first. Our district leader, Elder Miller, started it. Every time something bad,
annoying, sad, or anything really happens he just says, “Está bien!” Anyway, so every minute of every day
we´re all saying, “está bien”. When we didn´t say the right thing! Está bien! When
we play volleyball and someone messes up, está bien! it´s great! :) So está
I´ll start with
p-day last week. I can´t remember what I said last week so lo siento pero, está
bien :) Oh, apparently there was an Elder Hicken that was here two weeks ago...
so that is interesting.
Wednesday, we went to the temple, went to Tottus (it´s a very large Walmart)
and then came back and emailed. I bought Sublime (Grandpa Hicken said that it´s
to die for!) and it is... it´s amazing chocolate and I love it! I’ll bring some
home with me okay? It´s like a very rich Crunch bar and it´s great!!
So every day we do physical activity for an hour. The elders in our district
decided that we should do physical activity as a district, so we played
Volleyball! Oh my, it was so much fun!!!! I´m not that bad at it, which is
good! :) We laughed more than we played but it was a lot of fun!
We taught José (our teacher) and
we asked him to be baptized. I memorized the baptism question in Spanish so
that I could look at him when I asked him. The spirit was so strong, and I was
so nervous, but está bien. Guess what he said... he said no. We bore our
testimonies to him and left.
we had to go to Interpol so that they can make sure that we aren´t criminals.
That was interesting. They checked our teeth, did fingerprints, and took our
pictures. There were a ton of people and we were there from 6 am to 1 pm. There was a little family of cats and that was
great entertainment! We didn´t get any breakfast though so yeah... :(
was boring. I fell asleep in language study, and my brain is about to explode!
está bien! Oh! I’m gonna be honest.... I looked like death. So at like 8 pm my
teacher looked over at me and said that I looked like the Walking Dead... so
yeah, that was great. I did learn today that if we can´t endure to the end we
can at least endure to Sunday. So I’m going to try to endure to Sunday. :)
was good! It was fast Sunday. In Sacrament meeting, all the Advansados got up
and bore their testimonies. They took so long that we went over by half an
hour. está bien! We watched Meet the Mormons. Good show. After church we watched
an Elder Holland talk. He is awesome! He talked about how our first conversion
is our self. He also said that we cannot preach the gospel without opening our
mouths and letting the spirit guide. He told us to find 20 “open your mouth”
scriptures. The example he gave us was the first vision. I found a few and they are awesome! I’ll share them with y’all next week. I bore my testimony to my
district and I felt so awesome! Church is true!
there really was nothing, except a few funny things I noticed. As always, the
elder’s have their spices (they bring to mealtimes), and you really do need
them... rice twice a day EVERY DAY is a little annoying. It NEVER rains, it
mists... And our classroom is bipolar. Our district is kinda having a
fight over the thermostat... one minute it’s cold, the next it’s hot and
humid. Está bien!
I got SICK!!!!!! It´s been going around which is great.... Don’t worry mom, I’m
fine! I’ve been drinking down that stuff grandma gave me and it’s helped. But I
lost my voice like I did when we were at Disneyland, so that’s lovely!!!
Today! We
went to the temple. Went to Tottus. We handed out some pamphlets and now I’m
here. :) But let me just say.... y’all have NO IDEA what it’s like to be in a
tiny bus with 50 other people. I was standing on people, and I can{t even
explain it! I’ll try to get a picture of it so that I can show you how crazy it
was. Oh my but it gives a whole new meaning to sardines in can (or whatever
that saying is.)
last thing... singing is amazing!! I love it! Sadly I’m sick, but one day, my
whole district was falling asleep. so our district leader got up and we sang
some primary songs and hymns. It was awesome! :) Oh!, read or listen to the
song, “hark all ye nations”. It’s my new favorite song!
Well I
love you all. The language is coming along great. Thank you for your love and
Hermana Hicken
The Latinas that we got close to. |
A typical hallway in Lima |
That´s 3 liters of Tampico! |
Inca Kola truly does taste like bubble gum |
Hermana Dickman went to Snow College and was in Woman´s Choir with me |
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The tan shirt Latina is amazing!!! She nicknamed herself Hermana Swift. Taylor Swift. She´s hilarious! Love her!!! |
What a crazy exciting time! Look forward to next week's post!