I'm getting transferred!!!!!! And Happy Fathers Day!
1. HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!! I have so many lovely memories with my dad!! Thanks for being cool! ;)
2. Thanks for the package mom and gramma! I'm enjoying the Chex mix and rice krispie treat goodness!!!! ;)
It's been a lovely 3 months here in Family History. I can't believe it's really been three months!!!! So usually with transfers, Sister Erickson calls us Sunday night to tell us where we go, who is our companion, and who is taking our spot. Well, Sister Erickson did not call me last night. She called me about an hour ago! I'm being transferred to COMAS (Coh-Mahs). My companion is Hna Antunes from Honduras. She's new and she just finished her training. And guess who's taking my place.... Hermana Prado de Sellers!!!!!! My comp from the CCM!!!!!!!! jajaja!!! :) I'm super excited to get back out into the field, I don't remember the lessons but i'll learn them quick enough!!!
This week was truly a roller coaster. We had our last temple trip with Wiesse stake, Wiesse is always a little harder. The stake president was adamant that we had to do the trip Saturday but we had the trip planned for Thursday! We changed the trip last minute and my comp and I almost went crazy!!! We only had 11 people go to the temple. Wiesse's goal was 50 people. But it was nice to have a calm and not nerve racking trip. We (my comp and I) were able to sit and really feel the spirit.
Oh funny moment!! Okay, this was truly hilarious... So for all those who know me, you know that I hate it when people try to scare me. The whole "hiding behind a corner" is not a good idea with me. And as many of my friends know, I punch when I get scared. Well, a poor Elder did not know that. He was hiding behind a corner and I walked by and he screamed and I screamed and I went to punch him and instead I kicked him. Now mind you, this all happened in a span of a few second.. He was on the floor laughing and holding his knee while I was on the floor crying and laughing. The Elder now calls me Jackie Chan and yes, he did share it with the whole zone. ;)
To end the week I had a cool moment with some investigators on Sunday. I was teaching about the temple and I could tell that the sister wasn't really listening to me. So I decided to testify about the temple being the house of the Lord. And it truly is. These past 3 months in family history have been crazy, but every time I go to the temple I feel the spirit so strongly! I know that Christ walks those halls, the peace I feel there is strong and it's the same in every temple!! The temple IS the house of the Lord!
That's all for this week!
--- Hermana Hicken
My comp and I |
The elders in another car (we were going as a zone to Independencia but in different cars) |
It is officially Winter!!! |