Temple, plan of salvation, plan of salvation, temple
April 4, 2016
Well, hello all you lovely children of God. I've got
some news that I need to share... Hna Morillo's mom passed away Monday
night. She is with our Father in Heaven and Hna Morillo is holding up.
Thank you for all your prayers. She really needs them.
Now! This week.... I got transferred. I’m now a
family history consultant. I can now help you all fill in your family
history... My companion is Hna Urtecho. She's from Trujillo and she’s from
the same stake as Hna Morillo. :) It’s cool! This week was insane. I
learned a ton about the plan of salvation!! I sit on the computer for a
good 8 hours a day. :) And it’s all good! :) But anyway, the highlights of
this week... CONFERENCE!!!!
I’ve got two things to share. 1. ANOTHER TEMPLE
IN LIMA!!!!!!!! Let me just explain briefly what happened here in
Lima when the prophet announced that... Many of the Saints here stood up and
clapped, some immediately prayed in gratitude, many cried (including me) and we
all gasped in joy. Peru now has 4 temples. The work is moving forward and I’m
so happy to be here! :D
2. Missionaries... We are as the Stripling Warriors.
We have left our friends, families, home, schooling, work and worldly lives to
serve in the Army of our Lord. We have signed a 2 year/ 18 month contract
saying that we will be ¨strong and of a good courage¨, obedient, and a
representative. We have been prepared before and during the battle with
Seminary, Institute, Church, the Sacrament, the scriptures, our setting apart,
MTC, Preach My Gospel, training, General Conference, and revelation from the
Spirit. Our enemy is strong but we are stronger. With our sword (Book of Mormon)
and shield (the Priesthood), helmet (Holy Ghost) and breastplate
(ordinances and covenants) we will be protected and we will fight. It will
be hard and some of us will fall, some won’t make it to the end. But under the
guidance of our captain, Jesus Christ, and his 1st Commander, the Prophet, we
can stay strong and we can do what we were sent to do: Bring others to Christ.
When we finish, as the Army of Helaman, We will return. Not quite the same. We
will always remember our time in ¨the field of battle, and we will always be
grateful for it.
That’s how I’ve been feeling all week about missionary
work! ;)
Oh and guess who’s coming in June... ELDER RASBAND
It's been a great week and I’m excited for the next
week! I love you all! And remember to STUDY GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!! :)
Making cookies for my last pday before transfers |
My mom from Chinchaysuyo, Clementina |
My new comp |